Objectives of the Foundation

The foundation focus mainly on building of capacity of local communities in particular, so they can be properly enlightened and equipped through relevant awareness creation and sensitization, educational programmes/projects in the following areas;

i) To enhance general knowledge and understanding of current global discuss/trends with regards to climate change and it’s impacts on the aquatic environment/resources.
ii) Provision of ideal guidance for the sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources of economic importance that would benefit the local communities, thereby preventing the exacerbation of climate change impact on aquatic resources and environment in Nigeria.
iii) To enhance the capacity of terrestrial, riverine and coastal communities to be fully aware and equipped to engage in socio-economic activities that will help them maximally contribute to the realization of government policies on Blue economy in general and the Oceans in particular, in line with current global trends.
iv) To serve as a catalyst for enhancing terrestrial, riverine and coastal communities adequate access to potential local and international funding opportunities that may be available for climate change adaptation for the Global Blue economy and Oceans in Nigeria.
v) Any other relevant areas that may evolve with time in line with generally enhancing the Nigerian terrestrial, Blue economy and Oceans resources adaption to Climate change, based on United nations resolutions and guidelines.